The images on this blog all belong to the public domain, as they were all created before 1923.* Therefore, you do not need permission to use them, and I have created this blog so people could use them. However, you do not have permission to hotlink. If you choose to use these images, please do so by either saving them to your own computer or hosting them yourself on an image hosting site like Photobucket.
While you are under no obligation to tell me if or how you use these images, I would appreciate it if you did. I am scanning and uploading them, not knowing if anyone will view them or use them, so if you use them on your blog or website, I’d love for you to comment with a link. Or if research brought you to this site, I’d love for you to tell me about it.
*The 1923 date reflects US copyright laws. If you live outside the US, please research your country’s copyright laws before using.